Membership Information

Cornerstone Baptist Church Membership Agreement

As a follower of Jesus Christ, it is my sincere desire to be united with Cornerstone Baptist Church in membership. God has enabled me to repent of my sin and believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  I have confessed my faith and have been baptized as a true believer. Therefore I joyfully and thoughtfully enter into a bond of mutual edification, fellowship, and accountability with the other members of this local Body of Christ.

I will faithfully participate with Cornerstone Baptist in worship, prayer, study, fellowship, and the ordinances of baptism and communion, and will use my spiritual gifts for the common good. I have read the Cornerstone Baptist Church Covenant and I am in  agreement with said covenant. Through my involvement, and even sacrifice, I will seek to illustrate to my family and a watching world the immense significance of life in the body of Christ.

In addition to the regular meetings of the church and in the spirit of a true disciple of Christ, I will diligently train myself and my family in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, seeking to develop Christian character, knowledge, and skills.

I will work toward doctrinal unity with a humble and teachable spirit. For this reason, I am willing to be taught according to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message and the Cornerstone Baptist Statement of Faith which this church believes to be an accurate summary of biblical truth. Where there is disagreement or a lack of understanding regarding doctrinal convictions, I assume the liberty to ask questions and engage in edifying discussion. I will reject all heretical beliefs and practices, using Scripture as the final authority.  

I will accept and fellowship with all members, regardless of race, gender, background, social status, or level of education, since all are of equal value in Christ.

I will pursue peace with all people, especially with other believers, always being slow to take offense and eager to reconcile. I will shun gossip and divisive words, knowing that they are destructive to Christian

I will seek to live a life that is above reproach. I will be just and honest in my dealings and faithful in my responsibilities and commitments. I will abide by the standards of sexual purity and ethical integrity as
taught in the Bible.

I will seek the preservation of marriage, knowing that God hates divorce, and I will submit to biblical regulations regarding divorce and remarriage.

I will watch over the other members in love as they watch over me. I will remember them in prayer, help them in sickness and distress, promote their spiritual growth, restrain them from sin, and stir them up to love and good deeds.

I will submit to the church's discipline upon myself and lovingly assume my responsibility to participate in the discipline of other members, as taught in Scripture.  I will contribute cheerfully and regularly to Cornerstone Baptist for its general ministry and expenses, the relief of the poor, the cause of reformation and revival, and the spread of the Gospel throughout the world. I will dedicate myself, my money, and my possessions to the cause of Christ as a faithful steward, avoiding all forms of greed.

I will seek the salvation of my family, friends, neighbors, co‐workers, acquaintances, and people of all nations.

I promise to remain faithful to Cornerstone Baptist in membership. I will consult with the elders in advance if I sense that God is directing me elsewhere. If I must leave, I will unite with another true church.

In summary, I will love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and I will love others as Christ loves me. I will strive to advance a passion to magnify Christ Jesus in all that I do to the praise and honor of His glory.

I will not allow my weaknesses and failures to deter me from my intention to abide by these Christian standards. I will pursue holiness through genuine repentance and persevering faith in the One to whom I owe all obedience for time and eternity, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Full name (print): _____________________________________________

Signed: _____________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Name of pastor (print): _________________________________________

Signed: _____________________________________________________

Date: ___________

Name of elder (print): _________________________________________

Signed: _____________________________________________________

Date: ___________

This Membership Agreement is mostly adapted from the Membership Agreement of Christ Fellowship with some adaptations. Also, this is NOT a legally binding contract. It is a simple agreement that one agrees with and signs to show the congregation at Cornerstone Baptist one’s sincerity in being a member of the local Body of Christ at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Copyright © 2003 Christ Fellowship

"Adapted from the Membership Agreement of Christ Fellowship, Kansas City" in the copyright statement.
Click below to download a PDF copy of this agreement.

Cornerstone Baptist Church Petition for Membership 

General information:
Print your first and last name with middle initial

By what name do you prefer to be called?

Home phone________________________________ E‐mail _______________________________
Business address ______________________________________________________
Business phone _________________________
Date of application for membership _________________________

Church and address to which you last belonged

What was the denomination of this church?

Who is this church's present pastor?

When did you last regularly attend this church?

Approximately how long were you a member of this church? ________________________

Were you in good standing with the church? (If an explanation is needed, please use the other side.)

Telephone number of the church or its pastor ______________________________________________

Spiritual background:

Please write out a brief description of your conversion to Christ (If you are unsure, please talk with one of the elders. If you need more space, please use the other side of this sheet.)

What evidence do you see which would give you assurance that you are truly His child?

Have you been Scripturally immersed/BAPTIZED following your conversion? ____________________________

If so, what was the date or approximate date of your baptism? _______________________________

What was the name of the church in which you were baptized and the pastor's name who performed the baptism?

If you have not been Scripturally immersed/BAPTIZED following your conversion, do you now wish to be baptized in obedience to Christ's instructions?______________________________________________

How would you describe your present spiritual condition? Please be specific but brief.

What, if any, is your pattern for personal intake of the Word of God and prayer?

Do you have regular family worship in your home? _________If so, how is it done?_____________

Are there habits or issues related to your walk with God that you would like to talk about privately?

Church commitment:

Are you willing to faithfully attend the regular gatherings of the church the leaders deem necessary for the health of the body unless hindered by providence and/or out of town, etc.? _________________________

Are you willing to gladly submit to the spiritual leaders of the church unless conscience demands otherwise?______________________________________________________________________

Will you speak positively about our leaders and the other church members?____________

If difficulties arise in your relationship with others in the church, are you willing to deal biblically with that person rather than gossiping or retaliating in an ungodly way? _____________

Are you willing to use talents and gifts God has given you for the edifying of the body and the promotion of the gospel as God might lead? __________________________________________

Please list any special abilities, gifts or talents which might be used in this way in the future if God leads:

Are you willing to regularly and cheerfully support the Lord's church with your financial gifts? (Note: This question is for believing children also.) ____________________________________________________

While we do not require for membership the level of commitment to our confession that we require of our leadership, we are interested to know if you have any concerns. Are you aware of any disagreement between your beliefs and those in our statement of faith?

Do you have any questions related to anything on this petition which you would like for us to talk with you about?

Thanks for filling this out. We will discuss this and other issues privately before the membership procedure is concluded
Click below to download a PDF copy of this petition.