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Welcome to CBC, where we are followers of Jesus Christ focused on magnifying Him in our lives. We are devoted to the Word of God, fellowship, prayer, and the making of disciples. If you are looking for a community of believers where the preaching and teaching of the Word of God, along with prayer are central, followed by fellowship, come join us for worship. 

What To Expect

When you come to CBC, expect to be welcomed by ordinary people just like you.  On Sunday mornings we have a Bible study class for all ages, followed by a time of fellowship, concluding with our Worship service (which usually is about 90 minutes). Concerning dress, you will find some folks in jeans and others wearing slacks.

We are a Family Integrated Church, meaning that we want to have your children participate in our worship services.  We think it's better for children to learn the importance of worship by being alongside their parents and following their example.  We believe it is important for children to regularly hear the Gospel preached even if they do not understand or believe it yet.  We believe Scripture supports small children being part of gathered worship times.  In both of Paul's letters to the Ephesians and Colossians, he gave instruction to the children to obey their parents.  These letters would have been read during their gathered worship time, and the children would have had to be present in order to hear Paul's instruction.  We do, however, have an area where parents can take their children to calm them down and/or correct them, when necessary.

Our worship time is serious, simple and joyful. Our focus is on Jesus Christ, the object of our faith. We devote time to the public reading of Scripture, to prayer, to singing, and to preaching. We are somewhat unique in that we do not pass an offering plate during our services (See the “Giving at CBC” section below for more information on that).

You can expect to hear exegetical messages that are based upon a passage from the Bible. Our goal is to understand what it says and apply what it means to our daily lives.

You will not be pressured to join the church or to give money. We will however ask you to fill out a brief form with some information about yourself. You also will receive a welcome gift.

After our morning worship we would be glad to answer any questions you have about the service or our church.

Giving at CBC

At CBC, we don’t pass offering plates during our worship services. Rather, we have an offering box located on the table in our Worship Center vestibule where believers can give their offerings. We do this for a number of reasons:
  • We trust that God will provide for the financial needs of our ministry without prompting people to give.
  • We want our worship services to be focused on Christ and not interrupted with the collecting of money.
  • Passing offering plates is very public and can be awkward as other people can see whether you gave or not. Because of that, people may feel pressured to give reluctantly or out of compulsion and not rightly from a cheerful heart. 2 Cor 9:7
  • We believe, as Jesus taught in Mat 6:3, that our giving is to be done in private.

Below is a picture of our offering box. You will notice that there are envelopes available at the front of the box. The envelopes are provided for those giving cash. These only need to be used for 2 purposes:
  1. If you want your cash donations to be tracked and reported on your annual ‘Giving Statement’ for tax purposes, then use an envelope and make sure your name is written on it.
  2. When we are taking up collections for special ‘Love’ offerings and you want to designate your cash donation towards one of those, use an envelope and write the name of that ‘Love’ offering on the envelope. Make sure to also add your name if you want it tracked as mentioned previously.

If your giving is in the form of a check, you can just drop it into the box with no need for an envelope. If you want to designate your check donation towards a special ‘Love’ offering when one is being collected, simply write the name of that ‘Love’ offering in the memo area of the check.